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BB Volo di Pindaro


Ospitalità a Siracusa e Pozzallo. Alloggi autentici, dotati di tutti i comfort e posti in zone molto centrali, accomunati dall’amore per la bellezza, la storia, la cultura e la natura. Punti di partenza ideali per visitare la costa sud-orientale della nostra meravigliosa isola.



 Syracuse Free Walking Tou

Syracuse Free Walking Tour

Every Tuesday & Friday afternoon (summer months and Christmas period)

 There's a meteo alert in Sicily for heavy bad weather and rain on January  22. The map below shows the thunderstorm forecast. Movinb by car could be difficult. Some monuments will be closed on March 22 (e.g. Ursino castle in Catania). If you are planning to visit monuments in eastern Sicily it's suggested to check opening conditions.

Meteo alert Sicily



domenica al museo

Free entrance every first Sunday of the month at regional sites

Corona virus situation in Sicily